A different angle
Running a photography workshop always comes with a big set of challenges and rewards and the blue hour / night photography one I was running for GulfPhotoPlus on Saturday was no different. Late last week we were not even sure we will be able to run this as the weather was looking very gloomy and it’s a bit tough to get a beautiful blue hour sky when it’s all covered with clouds. Luckily, come Saturday morning, the sky cleared and beautiful fluffy clouds were just hanging over the horizon. We made the decision to head to the Burj Al Arab as the sky looked the most promising in that area and we were treated with a gorgeous sunset.
As everybody setup their tripods and cameras, I was trying to get across the message that they shouldn’t all be shooting from the same height as this will just get all the images to look exactly the same without any personal touch. So, to demonstrate this idea, I set my tripod really low on the sand and waited for this runner (whom I noticed when we got there) to pass in front of my camera at just the right distance from the Burj Al Arab. This not only made for a different kind of picture, but it also created a story about the place, moving the image from just a sunset shot to something more.