A growing skyline
Once every few months I like to make my way to one of the vantage points from where I can see the entire Dubai skyline. Unlike most cities in the world, where the skyline doesn’t change very often, Dubai’s skyline is an ever-changing feature. And with the construction book seemingly on its way back, new buildings are starting to pop-up again like mushrooms after the rain.
I took this shot on Friday evening and although initially I rushed to this spot to photograph some beautiful clouds that were formed briefly behind the buildings, I didn’t make it on time. The clouds were all gone, but I was happy with getting a simpler photograph of the Dubai skyline. I used an ND filter for this one just to get a few extra seconds of exposures in order to flatten out any ripples in the water.
On a different note, this coming Saturday I’m running another instance of my always popular blue hour and night photography workshop with GPP. The workshop is already sold-out, but you can always add yourselves on the waiting list to be notified when we will run the next one or if anyone drops out at the last minute.