A sense of scale
Being in Dubai in this hot and grey weather makes you dream of greener pastures (or better skies) and I started going through some of my photos from Tibet, realizing that I still have quite a few nice ones that I haven’t posted.
This was our second day on the Tibetan Plateau and we were already at 5000m struggling for air with every move. This is the top of the Lablung-La Pass (of which I posted a shot before) and we had to stop for about half an hour while some roadworks were going on. It’s incredible that people were doing hard work in this thin air, but I guess if you’ve lived all your life this high, you get used to it.
I don’t think I have ever felt so small like I did in this place. The landscape was amazing and everything was so vast and crisp. The clouds were incredible and the snow covered mountains on the horizon looked huge!