I will start this post with the obvious. If you’ve been a long time visitor of my blog, you’ve probably already got used to a few new designs over the years and today it’s time for yet another upgrade – it’s the forth major redesign since I’ve started the blog in 2007. The reason for this was because, as the content grows, the need for a better structure also expands. Also, as it stands at the moment, there are over 800 posts, all with various sizes for the images – some smaller, some larger and I needed to come up with a way to accommodate all these variations. There is no 100% perfect way, but I feel this version works a lot better, is a bit more “airy” and it will allow you to see some of the older posts or other relevant information in a more straight-forward way. As with all new designs, I’m sure there’s a few bugs floating around so if you notice anything out of order, please let me know in the comments. Any tip is appreciated!
To give you a quick tour, if you are usually just seeing the single posts as they get published, at the bottom of the page you can now see some more information about upcoming workshops, a random post from the past (it changes every time you refresh!) and a direct link to my commercial portfolio. The same will also be available on the home page, as well as a few more recent posts, nicely structured to give you an idea about the content before you click on them. The category pages are also improved, displaying in a really easy to read way all the images posted in a particular category. As always, I would love to hear what you think.
And to launch it all, I’ve saved one of my favourite photographs I took in Madagascar last summer, a photograph of a shy little girl in a village along the Tsiribihina River. She has the cutest smile and although it looks like she was quite shy, she did love to have her picture taken and then look at the image on the back of my camera.