A very blue evening
On Friday when I was running my blue hour and night photography workshop I didn’t have time to take too many images as I was busy moving from student to student answering questions and trying to make sure everybody leaves the place with some good knowledge.
I did however manage to steal a few minutes during the very short blue hour (because Dubai is fairly close to the Equator we don’t really get the full blue hour here!) and shoot this image which I quite liked. I was looking for some different angles as I’ve shot from this location quite a bit before and I noticed the way the balustrade lines were leading towards the street lines and also how the blue of the sky was beautifully reflected onto the metal surface. You’ll also notice the very selective focus in this image which was achieved by tilting my 22mm tilt-shift lens quite a bit to the right.
On an unrelated topic, I am busy planning a few upcoming adventures and workshops for 2014 and I cannot wait to be able to share them with you. If you ever wanted to go to photograph Ethiopia or Iceland stay tuned!