Above the fjord
The fjord below is called Mjóifjörður and is one of the few fjords in the Westfjords part of Iceland that you can actually cross via a bridge (you can see the bridge far below in the distance). However, crossing it over the bridge doesn’t give you the opportunity to experience the sort of views that you can get from using a shortcut over the mountains.
The shortcut was sort-of marked on my map, but it didn’t look like it was a finished road. I was driving a tiny little car and I wasn’t quite sure if I’ll make it over the bumpy road, but when it never gets dark you tend to be a bit more relaxed about taking wrong turns. I stopped at the top for a while (to give myself and the car a break) and took this shot at about 1am. The sunset that evening was simply amazing (I posted a couple more shots of the same evening here and here) and this photo is dedicated to a very special someone who asked for some more shots from Iceland.