I am really struggling in the last few weeks to keep up with my goal of at least three posts a week as I’ve been traveling and shooting quite a bit with not much time for writing. The good thing is that I have some good images to post in the near future from a few places I haven’t properly photographed before.
This is the case with the image below. I’ve been to Istanbul many times, but most of these times I spent my days around the central area and haven’t ventured much towards the Bosphorus Bridge, particularly late in the afternoon to catch the good light. But while I was there just before Christmas, shooting for Ericsson, one of the locations was this engineering marvel. It was a very cold evening and although I froze for a couple of hours waiting for the blue hour, I was very happy with the shots I came away with. It was the end of a very successful day of shooting with some of the clearest weather I’ve seen in Istanbul.