Across the water
Over the last couple of days I’ve been finalizing all the preparations for the Iceland adventure I’m running at the beginning of July and I must say, I’m getting quite excited about it.
From a photographic point of view, going for a second time to any place is always a great experience as you already know what to expect and you tend to slow down a bit more and take your time making beautiful photographs without worrying about running from place to place to make sure you see everything. Of course, this year it will be a bit different as we will be 9 of us in total, but that should only increase the fun as it’s always interesting to see what other photographers come up with in the same places.
As I’m getting to Iceland a few days before I start the workshop, I am taking some time to go for 4 days to Ammassalik in Greenland which should also be pretty spectacular. Until then, I leave you with this photograph taken last time I was in Iceland in the Westfjords.