My journey in the Middle East began almost 13 years ago in the small state of Bahrain (which in my first year there turned into a kingdom). It’s a country I’ve called home for 5 years, a country to which I always enjoy returning as it always feels somehow like I’m coming home. Although it’s a small place, for me it was always one of the most friendly countries in the region. It’s one of those places where you can go out one evening and by the end of the night, you’ve got a few new friends.
I’ve spent the last few days here and since I haven’t been back in about 4 years, I’ve been really impressed with how much the place has changed and yet how much it has stayed the same as well. There are new buildings everywhere, including some really cool looking ones, but at the same time, I could still find my favourite restaurants and places to hang out.
As for the building in the picture below, this is the Bahrain World Trade Center and it’s probably one of my top 3 favourite buildings in the Middle East. I love its architecture and I find it really cool the idea of placing windmills between the buildings. And since it almost looks like a Christmas tree, there’s no better post that I could come up with for the holidays. Merry Christmas!
On another note, if you’ve enjoyed reading the blog throughout this year, it’s time to show some love! 🙂 The Photoblog Awards are upon us again and you can vote for my blog here. With your support, in 2011, I won the best Asian and Oceanic photoblog and last year the blog was in the top 20 worldwide.