Continuing my series of shots captured while having access to some great locations around the city, today’s image is a look at Dubai from a less popular angle. Most images you see of Dubai, tend to be taken either around the Burj Khalifa / Business Bay area or somewhere down by the beach.
While spending a whole day photographing Marsa Plaza for a client (a building close to Dubai Festival City), I managed to grab a few images for myself from a balcony on the 18th floor. The view towards the city is incredible and seeing Dubai from here makes you appreciate how much the city has grown over the last few years.
From a technical point of view, the image is fairly simple. It’s a panorama made from two shots taken with the 24mm tilt-shift lens. The great thing about making panoramas with the tilt-shift lens is that you don’t need to move the tripod at all, you only need to shift the lens left and right. That makes for very easy stitching in Photoshop.