Beautiful Dubai #7
United Arab Emirates has been serving up some great weather for photography over the last couple of days and looking outside my window it still looks great for yet another shoot this afternoon. I’ve managed to capture a couple of skyline images that I’m really happy with, including a few from Abu Dhabi which is a fairly new place for me in terms of shooting. More on the Abu Dhabi images in a later post, but for now let me tell you about today’s image.
It’s the 7th in my “Beautiful Dubai” series and probably my favourite so far. It was an amazingly clear night (for Dubai standards) and I was in a new location offering me a different kind of perspective for the Business Bay area with its many skyscrapers and Burj Khalifa at its centre. The building just at the edge of the frame on the left is Ubora Towers a cool looking tower which I’ve photographed before.
The post-processing was minimal on this one, with just a very slight increase in contrast.