Burning sky
Before I get on with today’s shot, I want to thank all of you who dropped in by my exhibition the other night. It was nice to finally meet some of you who have been commenting on the blog for a while. I would also like to thank the person that bought the signed print of my “After the storm” photograph. Although 1100 Dirhams is not a huge amount, I’m sure the money will help at least a couple of people in Haiti.
As for the photograph below, it’s not often that you get to see an interesting sunset in Dubai as the sky most of the time has no clouds, but the other night it was all different. Although I wasn’t in a good spot to see the sun dipping below the horizon, I did get a chance to photograph the fire-red sky above some of the buildings on the Palm Jumeirah. As a lucky coincidence the buildings are also a reddish brown colour which matched perfectly with the colours above.