The last couple of months it seems there hardly was a day without my camera in my hand shooting for this client or that client or simply for myself. Looking at my Lightroom library it looks like just in November I shot somewhere close to 3,500 frames. Which is quite a bit if you think that I don’t shoot events or weddings and that most of the shoots I do for clients are fairly deliberate affairs with good pre-planning and not a lot of “spraying and praying” (look it up – it’s an expression)! So between all this commercial shooting it’s tough sometimes to find a bit of time for some personal images as there are days when you look at the beautiful sunsets outside and you really wish you could be shooting down by the beach.
Yesterday was a lucky day as I found myself in the right place, at the right time and more importantly, with the right permission. I managed to get a multi-day permission to shoot at the new CityWalk development in Jumeirah and as I set my tripod up I knew it might be a special day. The sky was on fire and as it got a bit darker and the lights started to turn out the balance was just right. As you’ve probably noticed already, this is a panorama, which I put together from two frames taken with the 24mm tilt-shift lens rotated in portrait mode and then shifted from left to right.