Dubai fireworks 1
First of all, since all the time zones have gone through to the new year, let me wish you a Happy New Year and a great 2010! I would also like to thank all of you who have visited, commented and linked my blog in 2009 because you’ve made me a better photographer by asking for more photographs!
I have been living in Dubai for almost 5 years now and I’ve always wanted to take photos of the fireworks that the famous Burj Al Arab puts on display for New Year’s Eve because they have always been very impressive. But for some reason, I always had a champagne glass in my hand instead of the camera. This year however, I made an early new year resolution about photographing the midnight fireworks.
This is the first of two or three shots that I will be posting with the fireworks and they were all taken from an area a bit further away from the beach so I could get the whole show in one shot. For those of you who have not visited Dubai, the building on the right is the Jumeirah Beach Hotel, in the center there’s the Burj Al Arab and to the left, one of the many mosques in the area.