If you live here in Dubai (or in one of the cities that GeekFest has been organized in before), you will probably be familiar with the techie festival that brings together for an evening people with an interest for all things geek. The Sharjah version of the festival has been a long time coming and it’s finally happening on Thursday, 22nd of March at Al Qasba. The unofficial head-geek, Alexander McNabb has kindly asked me again to run a workshop there and this time I will be focusing on shooting with post-processing in mind. For more details about GeekFest Sharjah head to Alex’s blog where there’s a full schedule. If you have any particular questions or issues that you would like me to talk about just leave a comment below.
While we’re on the subject of post-processing, a couple of nights ago I decided to head out into the desert to shoot a few long-exposure images of the desert environment with some star trails in the background. I’m not 100% happy with the results as the ambient light was really strong and there was a lot of light wash, but I did get the shot below with which I’m fairly ok. It was a 10 minute long exposure and I did quite a bit of work on it in Photoshop playing with a few curves to increase the contrast on the leaves and change the overall sky colour tones to something more pleasing.
Oh and if you want to participate in a little debate I was having about removing the electricity pole (the one in the background on the left), I would love to know if you think it works there or if you think I should have removed it. I will reveal my opinion (which might surprise you!) in the comments.