Fertility Hill
A couple of years ago, I took one of my best long trips ever, going overland all the way from Kathmandu in Nepal to Beijing and from then (flying) to Irkutsk and Lake Baikal and continuing on to Moscow and St.Petersburg. If you look through the archives of the blog, you’ll be able to see quite a few shots from Nepal, Tibet, China and Russia that were taken during that trip.
Recently I had another look through some of those images and came across the one below. At first I skipped over it, but now I started to like it and thought it deserves a second chance. This particular hill has quite a bit of significance in the local folklore, with the local women making quite a few trips there when they are looking to become pregnant. It is said that spending time there will help their fertility. Whether it works or not I couldn’t tell you, but I can tell you that the view from there over the deepest part (over 1,600m) of Lake Baikal is magnificent.