Greenland from the air #2
I must admit, ever since I’ve come back to Dubai from Iceland and Greenland, I’ve been struggling with the sweltering temperatures that the city has to offer during the summer months. I keep dreaming of different travel plans, road trips and other adventures. I’ve booked my flights to Japan for January when I’ll be spending almost two weeks in Hokkaido photographing winter landscapes and I’m looking into putting together travel workshop and adventures in Iceland in February next year and Madagascar in the summer of 2015. Of course, as soon as I’ll have more details, you’ll be the first to know.
As for the shot above, it’s from my series of images I took while in Greenland over the course of 3 helicopter trips around the Ammasalik area. The scales are very difficult to portray, but just to give you an idea, the biggest iceberg in the center-left part of the image is about 20-25 meters tall.