Greenland from the air #5
Last summer, just before running my travel photography workshop in Iceland, I spent a few days in the south-east of Greenland, around a small village called Ammassalik. In the last day, I took a quick helicopter trip around the bay, with a quick stop at the top of the mountain to look at all the icebergs coming of the glaciers. I’ve posted a few shots from this trip already (you can find them here), but I still have a couple of aerial photographs still to share with you.
This particular one shows the actual bay where Ammassalik is and if you look at the original photograph you’ll notice I haven’t really done much to it in post-processing. Just a couple of curves to slightly bump the contrast.
On another note, I just wanted to thank everybody who came for my talk about interior and architectural photography, organised by Nikon in Knowledge Village yesterday!