Icelandic church #4
First of all, thank you for all your comments, Tweets and FB likes for the previous post with the Dubai skyline!
This is yet another photograph from my “Icelandic church” series (the rest are here, here and here) and it’s one that looks slightly different than the rest. I came across this one very late in the day (more like early in the morning at 2 a.m.), after photographing the sunset and I was already dead-tired. I did stop for a few frames, but now looking back at it, I wish I would have spent a few extra minutes there.
On a related note, the guys from Gulf Photo Plus are organising another Slidefest (the fifth edition) on Wednesday, May 11th at 7p.m. in the Dubai Knowledge Auditorium. Six local photographers will show some of their personal work and it promises to be a very interesting evening. I was part of the first one (when it was held in a small room and the pressure was not so big :)) and at that time I showed some of my images from Tibet. This time around I will be showing a collection of shots from Iceland. If you’re in town and you have the time, come down and say hello. The entrance is free!