In the jungle
First of all a little “housekeeping”… I’ve been slowly adjusting the CSS of the site to better accommodate portrait format images (where the height is bigger than the width) and I think I came to a solution that works a lot better than before. Basically the layout now changes based on whether the image is landscape or portrait, placing the text in a different place. This way, the tall images are not so tall and can be viewed without extra scrolling. I have tested this in most modern browsers, but if you do see any bugs let me know. The blog has also been simplified with a bit more emphasis on the images, toning down the backgrounds, borders and other distracting elements. I’m not finished with it, but time is at a premium so I’m getting the changes online one at a time.
To celebrate the fact that I can now add portrait images in a better way, I am posting this portrait of Karin which I took last year. The name of the post is a bit misleading as this was no jungle. It does look quite tropical, but the shoot was done in the mountains surrounding Hatta in a fairly dry area. I did find a couple of palm trees in a wadi (local name for valley) and went in really close, framing Karin’s face with the nice looking fronds. It was late afternoon and the light was perfect for portraits. I did use an SB-900 shot through an umbrella to bring a bit of extra light in the eyes, but otherwise the light is natural.