Last night while looking through the photo streams of some of my friends on Facebook, 500px and the like I came across Daniel’s stunning shot of the Dubai Airport taken from a location I knew about. Although I’ve been a few times to this location, I was never there with a camera and seeing Daniel’s image really made me want to go there and try a version of my own of the same photo.
So earlier today, I packed my new D800, with my 14-24mm and off I went to shoot the blue hour. Having seen Daniel’s vantage point I wanted to try to take the shot from a slightly lower angle so I make more of the metro line. Of course there’s no right way or wrong way, but I basically didn’t want to simply copy his image.
I’m quite happy with the final result and in terms of post-processing, this image is made from 3 shots blended in Photoshop – one for the overall scene, one for the metro line and one for the streaks of light on the road. As always I would love to hear what you think.