Jumping into the sun
Although it might not look like it, this particular shot (also taken during the Faces and Places workshop) was one of the more dangerous ones I took during the 3 days spent shooting in Oman. We were trying to get really low on the ground to make it look like the jump was very high and while doing that we were also waiting for the waves to wash over the sand to create nice reflections. This meant that every time a wave would come you had to be ready to jump up with the camera so it doesn’t end up covered in saltwater.
I’ve got another shot, very similar to this, that I like even more, but since it’s in portrait orientation I will have to wait until I finish the updated design for the blog. The new design will displays portrait images in a friendlier way for smaller screens.
In terms of post-processing, if you look at the original image you will notice that it’s very blue. This is because I was shooting with the white balance set to tungsten. In the end I didn’t really like the strong blue tones so I reverted to a different white balance and toned the image with a curve in Photoshop.