Layers of sand #3
Every year at about this time, one of the coolest events takes place here in Dubai. It’s the GPP photography festival, a week of photography overdose that brings brilliant international photographers to teach here in our own backyard. The other great thing that happens during GPP is that a lot of photography enthusiasts also make their way to Dubai and I end up meeting lots of new people and reconnect with people I have not seen in a while.
This is exactly what happen yesterday, when my friend Issa and I took two visiting photographers (Ian and Simon) out in the desert for a bit of a shoot and lots of laughs. I wouldn’t say it was the most successful photographic endeavour in terms of results, but we had a great time discussing everything from Canon vs. Nikon and how Fuji is quickly catching up, to encouraging Simon to photograph a gazelle that was pretty far out in the dunes (he did get the shot).
For my part, I only came back with a couple of images which I liked and this is one of them.