This is just a quick post to thank all of you who showed up last night at Slidefest. For those of you that didn’t make it I will have a video of my presentation (and the q&a session) online early next week. It was a great night with some great work being shown by local and international photographers. For me, Hala’s series entitled “Colour of dreams” was the stand-out as it’s a great story supported by some really cool images!
As for the image below, this was one of the images I showed last night and it’s of a local guy in Madagascar, renting his boat to tourists. This was not the main boat we did the river trip in, but it was just a quick tour to some nearby caves. I think this guy has a great face for photos and he had no issue being in front of the camera. You’ll notice by rolling over the image and looking at the original that I did use quite a bit of curves on this one to adjust the local contrast in parts of the image.
As always I would love to hear what you think.