I just came back from a few days spent photographing Masirah Island in Oman with my good friends David and Issa. It was a great trip and we were lucky with fairly good weather and plenty of interesting subjects to photograph.
For my part, going to Oman always feels very special and although the country is getting more and more touristic since my first trip in 2001, I still enjoy exploring some of the wild landscapes and the beautiful coastline. As for the people, I don’t think I’ve ever met such hospitable people anywhere else in my travels. In Oman, you always get invited for coffee or tea, whether to someone’s house or simply next to a fishing boat on the beach.
From a photography point of view, I’ve got quite a few shots to blog from this trip, which I’ll slowly work my way through in the next weeks. To kick things off, I’ll leave you with this shot of a peaceful evening on the beach at low tide – peaceful until David and Issa tried to light one of the dhows with 1000W from a Profoto head! But that’s for another post.