The title above could mean so many things and although I initially came up with it just because I thought this particular penguin was looking rather thoughtful and slightly sad, I think it also fits because of all the blue hues in the image. Another reason why the title matches my mood is that although I was in Antarctica for only 10 days (including the boat crossing), I really miss it.
The more time passes since my trip there, the more I start taking it all in, looking through the images and seeing which ones really stand out and which ones I would approach from a different angle. It’s impossible to go on a trip like this without coming back with some thoughts about potential missed opportunities, but at the same time it’s great to revisit your images noticing all those things you might have not seen during the first cut.
This particular image was taken on the volcanic beach of Deception Island, where the beach tends to stay clear of any snow in the summer because of the ground temperature being higher.