Petermann Island
Today started in the most exciting fashion, with a wake up call by the expedition guides letting us know that we will be attempting to go through the LaMaire Channel. This is never guaranteed in these expeditions as the channel is only 800m at its narrowest point and many times there are huge icebergs blocking the way. This morning that’s exactly what happened, but the captain expertly manoeuvred the boat, basically “pulling the handbrake†in order to turn the back of the ship in a really tight space.
With that, our day started in earnest, first, by stopping at Pleneau Island and then moving on to Petermann Island. Both islands are full of penguins and the occasional seal, while the landscapes are simply surreal. Everything looks like it was created and lit for a movie production. Simply beautiful.
The image below is of our ship, the Ocean Diamond anchored in the middle of the channel while the daily excursions are taking place.