Racing at the autodrome
This week: Racing at the Dubai Autodrome, UAE
I’m one day late with the photo of the week, but I hope you guys will understand that Christmas has a way of slowing you down with all that food…
In a tax-free environment like Dubai, people can afford to spend their money on extra cool things like racing cars. I took this shot at the Dubai Autodrome and while I am not quite sure exactly what this car is (can anyone help with this?) I think it looks great!
On another note, I have been having lots of visitors coming from MetaFilter and the link there has generated a bit of discussion about HDR photography. I understand that many might not like HDR and I agree that it can be easily abused (I know I have abused it on a couple of occasions). However it can also have a great impact on some shots and that’s why I keep using it. For those of you who don’t like these kind of photos so much, you can always have a look at my main travel photography site where most photos are a lot more “natural” looking.