As I briefly mentioned in my previous post, I am currently working on a small photo-book about my experiences in Madagascar (particularly about the life around the Tsiribihina River) so I am sorting through all the images I have splitting them into black and white and colour and grouping them together. In the process I am also keeping an eye out for an image for the cover and I believe this image will be a strong candidate as I can easily layout some text in the top-left corner without disturbing the overall flow of the image.
This was taken this year during our first morning spent photographing the river. We woke up before sunrise and we were by the water as the sun popped over the horizon lighting everything beautifully. As you can see from the original image, I did have to do some cloning on this one as there was no way to avoid those branches when I took the photograph. In the end I am very pleased with the way it turned out.