As I mentioned in my previous post, I spent the last few days visiting Jordan. It’s an amazing country with so much history, which is even more evident when coming from a relatively new place like Dubai. Of course, the big attraction in Jordan is Petra, the hidden town within the Wadi Musa (for those of you that don’t know, a wadi is a river bed).
I kinda knew what to expect when visiting Petra, but the place still shocked me with its size. Just the main touristic trail through the ruins is 4km long. On top of that there are lots of other places to explore (most after difficult hikes straight up the mountain) and some people choose to do this in a horse-drawn carriage. It’s a great mode of transportation for the elder tourists and it provides nice photo opportunities for the rest of us. The photo below is of one of these carriages racing through Wadi Siq to load up on more tourists.
To get the blurry sense of speed in broad daylight , I used a strong ND filter and took dozens of shots before I finaly got one that I was happy with.