Shifting focus
The image I’m posting today is slightly different than what I usually post as it’s the result of experiments with my new tilt-shift lens. It’s by no means perfect as I still have a lot of playing to do with this lens until I figure out what works and what doesn’t.
It was a gorgeous day on Friday in Dubai and I knew I had to make some photographs, but I wasn’t quite sure where as I was getting a bit bored of the usual spots I shoot from. So I first went on my bicycle looking for some new angles and then brought my camera once I found the right spot.
While we’re on the right spot subject, I just wanted to mention something. There are a few photographers out there who, like myself, shoot Dubai a lot and always try to find interesting angles and I keep seeing a lot of people asking about where some of these locations are. None of us have a problem with sharing the locations, but sometimes it really gets to me that many amateur photographers expect these locations to be simply presented to them, rather than going out and finding original locations. I think that is a big mistake as looking for a location is half the fun. It allows you to explore parts of Dubai (or any other place for that matter) you might have not seen before and gives you the opportunity to come back with strong, original images.