One of the things I had constantly in my mind while in Antarctica was that although the place is very different from the rest of the world there are also a lot of commonalities. Take the deserts from this part of the world as an example. When you take a close-up image of the desert you’ll usually find some very simple leading lines and this was very similar in Antarctica with lines created by the sky, the snow and the shadows.
Taking this sort of simple, less is more type of shot is not always as easy as it looks. The simpler the image the more obvious will any mistakes be. The composition needs to be really balanced for an image like this to work and I’m finding these type of photographs really useful in helping me with my commercial work and in particular with my interior photography. This is because interior photographs usually need to be really airy and bright with as little clutter as possible, which is why it’s so important to make sure your composition leads the eyes through the image, inviting the viewer into the space you are photographing.