Those of you following me on Twitter or Instagram (or even following the blog for the last few weeks) might have noticed that I have been going to the desert quite a few times in the last few weeks to try and build up my portfolio in that area. Although I’m still not 100% happy (except for one shot which I really like and which I will be posting in the next few days!) with what I got so far, I think it’s getting better and tonight while in the dunes close to Al Ain I thought I’ll experiment a bit.
Since the area is fairly dark, I wanted to try and capture some of the dunes with the mountains in the background and the night sky full of stars. The air was a little bit hazy, but at 30 seconds exposure and ISO800, the stars really start to shine. I will definitely go back to the area to experiment some more, but for now I would be happy to hear what you think.