The Silk Route #1
I have been neglecting the blog for a couple of weeks now as I’ve been enjoying the Dubai to Romania trip way too much to sit in a hotel room and post photographs. I’ve been posting a lot of images on Instagram if you want to follow along (I still have close to two months of road ahead of me)!
Although I am now already in Albania (which by the way, is stunning!) I am still going through images from the earlier countries I passed through and in particular Iran. Although the image above is not one of my best (the time of the day it was taken was really not good – the sun was way too high in the sky), it has become one of my personal favourites from the trip as I think it just evokes very well that spirit of adventure I was looking for when I planned this trip. The place you see in the background is a Caravanserai in the Kaluts area of Iran, a former “pit-stop” for the old caravans of the silk route to stop, sleep and do some business with other traders. It’s in the middle of nowhere, in an area where the thermometer in my car was showing 64 outside, so I can only imagine what a welcome sight it must have been for the travelers in those days.