The Zebu cart
As I’ve had a bit of time yesterday, I finally got a chance to sink my teeth into Maptia, the beautiful storytelling site I’ve heard of a few months ago. It’s a great way of putting together visual-heavy stories and publish them for the whole world to see. If you have some spare time, make sure you go through the Editors’ pick section! As some of you might know, I’ve been a couple of times to Madagascar and last year I was even working on a photography book about my trips there. I still haven’t given up on that (I do have an advanced copy of the book in my hands!), but in the meanwhile I thought Maptia would be the perfect place to publish a small story about the river life in Madagascar. The story is called “Life on the river” and you can find it here.
The image above was taken in 2013 on one of the boat stops along the Tsiribihina River as we were walking towards a village. I had to take the shot pretty quickly as the cart was coming fast towards me and it didn’t look like the guy was too bothered about having someone in front of him. Oh, and if you’re wandering what a Zebu is, well, it’s the local cow variety.