Trying to keep up with posting new images on the blog while I have some time as this year has been a bit slow on the new posts front. A combination of being really busy with commercial work, having a kid in January and a bit of complacency from my side, this year has been the year with the least posts in the last few years – I still had 36 posts so far, but I do want to bring that number up these last couple of months.
So I am continuing with another image from Kiev, photographed just minutes after the previous image I posted from pretty much the exact same spot but with a longer lens.
In other news – a bit more technical – I’ve just switched the entire site to https as it’s becoming more and more a requirement for better SEO rankings and for online shops like the shopping area where you can buy my prints. I’m hoping there are no bugs in the transition, but if you notice something let me know.