Having just returned from a three week trip through New Zealand (out of which 15 days were spent in a campervan going from North Island to South Island), I am still sorting out through my images to see what might stand out. However, the moment I made the image above, I knew that it will be the first image I will post on the blog.
New Zealand has been at the top of my travel list for a long time and this is pretty much how I imagined the landscapes to be – full of lakes, mountains and me in a campervan going from place to place. I was very lucky to spot that van on the road while I was setting up for this shot as it was the exact same one we were traveling in – in fact, about 15 minutes later it was us down there on the road heading towards Mount Cook which you can see in the distance.
The other pretty cool detail about this trip is that I have now been to all seven continents as Oceania was my last part of the world I had not visited before.