Over the last few weeks I have been spending lots of my free time digging through my image library, looking for interesting photographs from the past showing the ever changing Dubai skyline.
One of the images I didn’t even know I had was this particular shot of Burj Khalifa shot 15 years ago almost to the day while I was out on sailboat watching the arrival of QE2 into town. It was not the best day in terms of clarity, but I still think this image deserves a blog post considering it shows how empty the space around Burj Khalifa (which at the time was called Burj Dubai) was.
I also have a wider skyline image from the same place, but I will save that one for a before and after post.
Technical details | Aperture: ƒ/8 | Camera: NIKON D300 | Focal length: 135mm | ISO: 200 | Shutter speed: 1/250s