Floating above the fog
I was close on having the same title for this post as for the ones before (Foggy sunrise in Dubai #1 and #2), but at the last moment I changed my mind as I realized this image is not so much about the sunrise, but more about this really nice structure looking like it’s literally floating above the fog. I always forget what’s the exact name of this particular building (I’m sure one of you will mention it in the comments or on Twitter), but it’s a really nice piece of architecture and I’ve been meaning to photograph it for a while.
In other news, I have just confirmed a quick trip to Esfahan in Iran over the Eid holidays and I’m really looking forward to shooting some of the beautiful mosques there. I’ve only been to Shiraz in Iran until now and from what I hear Esfahan is even better!
Also, since the end of the year is quickly approaching, I wanted to mention again, that if you’ve been enjoying my posts this year, I would appreciate a quick vote in the Photoblog Awards 2011. Even if you don’t vote, it’s a great resource for discovering some really good photographers!