Foggy sunrise in Dubai #1
As those of you that follow me on Twitter or Instagram (@momentaryawe in both cases) might know, this morning I went out looking for a particular type of shot of Dubai – the buildings rising from the fog. I checked the weather forecast last night and knew in advance that chances were high for fog so at 5.30 am I made my way to the Business Bay area looking for an open roof with a good view of that whole area. The first couple of options didn’t work out and just about when I was about to give up, my girlfriend remembered about a nice security guard in one of the buildings in the area and sure enough he let us on the roof!
I’ve seen quite a few pictures of foggy Dubai, but in real life it just looks beautiful. Visually it’s a very serene scene, with the buildings popping through the fog, but the thing that takes you a bit by surprise is the noise. The noise from the highway below makes it’s way up to the roof, but you’re not quite sure where it’s coming from as you can’t see anything below.
As you can imagine I’ve got a fair amount of images from this morning and I’ll probably post a few over the coming days.