View of the beautiful Hazrati Imam Mosque
Two weeks ago I spent a few days in Uzbekistan, leading a photowalk and also doing a presentation for Fujifilm. It was great to be back on the road and do one of these in person again as the last two years have been all done online. The Fujifilm Uzbekistan guys were so welcoming and introduced me to Tashkent and its wonderful sights (and food). I also took an extra day to travel to Samarkand by speed train and spend a few hours exploring this ancient Silk Route city (more on that in a future post).
The day of the photowalk our last location was the Hazrati Imam Mosque where I made this photograph while explaining to the group about the advantages of carrying a longer lens with you when you travel.
Technical details | Aperture: ƒ/5.6 | Camera: X-T2 | Focal length: 74.1mm | ISO: 200 | Shutter speed: 1/120s