Camels heading home
It has been a while since I blogged anything and this time I’m not sure I can offer any excuse except for maybe just a slow-down in me spending time in front of the computer with most of that time spent working on a couple of personal projects that are not quite ready yet.
I did have a shoot in the desert for a client some days ago which was the first shoot once Dubai opened again after the lockdown. Although the temperature was hitting 50 degrees Celsius in the desert, I really enjoyed being out and about with my camera finally looking at something else than my house. While on a short break from the client work, I spotted these two camels heading back towards the camel farm, slowly making their way between the dunes. Luckily I had my 70-200mm on the camera and managed to photograph this scene.
I hope everybody is doing ok considering the circumstances – I’m sure things will get brighter as the months go by.