I hope you’re not too bored with my drone photographs from Oman as I still have a few that I wanted to post in the next few days. I’m not being overly selective with the drone images at the moment as I’m still trying to learn and figure out where all the buttons are on the remote. In a way, buying a drone is a bit like buying your first really wide angle lens – for a few weeks all your shots will be really wide without necessarily needing to be. As you understand a bit more about that lens (or camera) you start to see where it excels and when it shouldn’t be used. It’s exactly the same with a drone – just because you can now take photographs from above, it doesn’t mean all images from above will be great.
But at the same time, this blog has always been about learning and growing as a photographer so I’m not too worried if some of the images I post might not be that great. Hopefully, in a few years, I’ll look back at these, have a laugh and be proud about the drone images I will be taking then! As for this particular image, it was taken close to Nizwa (in fact, if it wouldn’t be so hazy, you could see Nizwa in the distance) while camping at about 1800 meters.